Micro-PIV Technique
Conventioanl macro scale PIV experiment, we use a laser light sheet on the measuring plane to obtain the particle images in the flow. however in micro-scale flow measurement, a velocity field can be quantitatively obtained in the micro channel by a volume illumination method.
Micro LIF Technique
Micro-LIF technique can measure concentration field quantitatively in a micro-channel as macro sacle LIF technique. Measuring concentration field using LIF technique is detecting the light intensity from fluorescence in the flow that responsed by the laser. The image processing method is similar with LIF. Above the picture shows Micro-LIF experimental results using the mixture solution (Nile Blue A(C40H40N6O6S) and water, 5% ethanol mixed solvent).
μ-defocusing 3D Particle Tracking Technique
Micro defocusing particle tracking method is a useful tool to measure a three dimensional flow field in a micro-channel using a simp1e 3-hole aperture for the quantification of depth-wise position of particles. We have been estimated with the measured velocity fields in micro channel the first time in the world and related paper has been published as a Highlight at Measurement Science & Technology in 2006.